A full transcript of this episode can be found by clicking here or visiting the Transcripts section of our website.
Hey baseball fans! This is David Hanna, creator of Hand In Glove.
I first want to thank everyone who's already listened to the show - we're already at 500 listens over 2 episodes and I can't wait to share the rest of the season with you!
With that, in order to make sure I can get everything prepared for the show, we will be releasing episodes every 3 weeks instead of every 2 weeks as originally planned. This means that our next episode will be released on August 15, and then every 3 weeks after that on Mondays.
And don't forget, if you want to get early access to all episodes, you can donate at https://ko-fi.com/handinglovecast today. All proceeds will be included to help create future seasons of the show!
Thanks so much, and look out for Episode 3!
Music is taken from "summer on the minuteman bikeway" from the album <em>memory</em> by Louie Zong.