CONTENT WARNING: This episode contains a scene of kissing and sensuality, from 21:30 to 22:38.
Episode 4 of Hand In Glove was written, directed, produced and sound designed by David Hanna.
The role of Javy Correa is played by Charlie Pacheco.
The role of Jake Corliss is played by Ezra J. Wayne.
The role of Dolores Sanchez is played by Diana Loraine.
Script translations and additional dialogue provided by Charlie Pacheco.
Sensitivity readings provided by Daniel J. Martinez, Jr. and Charlie Pacheco.
A full transcript with a listing of all sound effects can be found at our website or clicking this link.
The introduction music is "sunshower" from the album i hate this guitar by Louie Zong. The credits music is "summer on the minuteman bikeway" from the album memory by Louie Zong.
We would like to extend a huge thank you to all of our contributors to this show, and this week we want to shout out several of our Season Ticketholders:
Angela Rasmussen, Coni Kitts, Ella Watts, Kent Blue, Axandre Oge, Good Pointe Productions, Hannah Wright, Mel Hartman, and Jeff Satterley
For a list of all contributors, visit our Contributors page on our website.